A Guide to Rainbow Fertility Fees

We are confident that you will be able to achieve a pregnancy within two fully stimulated IVF cycles*, therefore, we offer a significantly reduced up-front fee for repeated treatment cycles.  This means that a discount will be applicable from the third IVF cycle onwards with Rainbow Fertility, regardless of when you had your previous cycles, up until a time that you achieve a live birth. Our goal is to provide the highest standard of individualised care through state-of-the-art technology and advanced medical treatment to help you achieve your dream of having a baby in the shortest possible amount of time.

Please note: This offer is not available at the following sites: Gregory Hills and Wollongong.

*Success rates will vary depending on your individual circumstances including factors such as age, quality of embryos, number of previous cycles and whether you have been pregnant before.


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Rainbow Fertility offers LGBTI+ individuals a number of pathways to creating a family. These include a comprehensive donor program utilising Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).

A great place to start is to meet with one of our experienced Rainbow Fertility specialists, who will take a detailed medical history, arrange investigations and plan the most appropriate treatment option for you. Please remember, a current referral is required in order to claim the cost of this consultation through Medicare. Referrals from a GP last for 12 months, while a referral from a specialist is current for only three months.

Following your consultation with one of our specialists, one of our patient services staff will contact you to organise for a comprehensive and individualised Patient Information Pack to be sent to you. You will also be given the opportunity to attend a pre-treatment information session with one of our fertility coordinators either via video conference or in person, should you wish for more information. All aspects of your fertility treatment, including the cost structure, will be included in the information sent to you.

If your treating specialist is able to diagnose medical infertility, Medicare rebates can be claimed for Donor Sperm Artificial Insemination and IVF cycles. Without a diagnosis of medical infertility, the cost of treatment will not be eligible for Medicare rebates.


Treatment Fees

All patients are unique, have different medical histories and as such different treatment requirements, therefore your treatment plan is always tailored to meet your needs as an individual or couple.  Once you have seen a Rainbow Fertility specialist we will provide you with a customised quote that is tailored to your treatment plan.

To get you started we have put together a comprehensive guide on treatment fees. To learn more click on the relevant treatment below.

The costs provided are a guide only and are subject to change.

Initial Rainbow Fertility Specialist Consultation

The first step in any treatment is to have a consultation with a Rainbow Fertility specialist, who will assess your medical history and determine the most appropriate form of treatment depending on your individual circumstances. Please check with your chosen specialist with regard to the out-of-pocket fee that you can expect for this appointment. Medicare rebates may be available for this initial consultation.

Before you begin treatment, your specialist may request some further investigations, such as blood tests (many of these are bulk-billed), ultrasounds, pelvic investigations or semen assessment.  Please check with your specialist regarding the cost of these tests.


Donor Insemination Cycle Fees

There are two main types of donor insemination cycles:

  • Donor insemination using a clinic-recruited sperm donor
  • Donor insemination using a known sperm donor

If your treating specialist is able to diagnose medical infertility, Medicare rebates can be claimed for Donor Sperm Artificial Insemination. Without a diagnosis of medical infertility, the cost of treatment will not be eligible for Medicare rebates.

Please note that the following information is a summary of the current Rainbow Fertility fees and is meant as a guide only.  All fees are subject to your treatment plan and may change accordingly.

For more information, please read our Donor Insemination Cycle Fee guide.

Please contact Rainbow Fertility for further information regarding the fees payable for a donor IUI cycle as the costs can alter depending on your circumstances and individualised treatment plan.


IVF Cycle Fees

If your treating specialist is able to diagnose medical infertility, Medicare rebates can be claimed for Donor IVF cycles. Without a diagnosis of medical infertility, the cost of treatment will not be eligible for Medicare rebates.

Please note that the following information is a summary of the current Rainbow Fertility fees and is meant as a guide only. All fees are subject to your treatment plan and may change accordingly.

For more information, please click on guide linked to the clinic you are seeking treatment in:

  • Established clinics (Melbourne CBD; Sydney CBD, Brisbane CBD, Brisbane Southside)
  • Regional/Suburban clinics (Melbourne Notting Hill, Melbourne Bundoora, Sydney Liverpool; Sydney Miranda, Queensland Gold Coast, Queensland Toowoomba)
  • New clinics (Sydney Gregory Hills, Sydney Wollongong)

Please note reduced up-front fees may apply for repeated treatment from the third IVF cycle onwards.

Please contact Rainbow Fertility for further information regarding the fees payable for a donor IVF cycle as the costs can alter depending on your circumstances and individualised treatment plan.


Partner IVF

Partner IVF is when one partner provides the eggs which are fertilised with donor sperm, and the other carries the pregnancy. Partner IVF allows both partners to become physically involved in the conception of the baby.

If your treating specialist is able to diagnose medical infertility for both patients then Medicare rebates can be claimed for both cycles.  Without a diagnosis of medical infertility, the cost of treatment will not be eligible for Medicare rebates.

Please note that the following information is a summary of the current Rainbow Fertility fees and is meant as a guide only. All fees are subject to your treatment plan and may change accordingly.

Please click on the state that you reside in or are seeking treatment in for further information:

  • Established clinics (Melbourne CBD; Sydney CBD, Brisbane CBD, Brisbane Southside)
  • Regional/Suburban clinics (Melbourne Notting Hill, Melbourne Bundoora, Sydney Liverpool; Sydney Miranda, Queensland Gold Coast, Queensland Toowoomba)
  • New clinics (Sydney Gregory Hills, Sydney Wollongong)

Please contact Rainbow Fertility for further information regarding the fees payable for a Partner IVF cycle as the costs can alter depending on your circumstances and individualised treatment plan.


Egg Donor Cycles

There are two main types of egg donation:

  • Known Egg Donation

Known Egg Donation is where a family member, relative or a friend is prepared to undergo IVF procedures to provide the eggs. The advantages of having a known donor are that the genetic origin is known and the waiting time for the treatment is significantly reduced.

Please note that the following information is a summary of the current Rainbow Fertility fees and is meant as a guide only.  All fees are subject to your treatment plan and may change accordingly.

Please click on the state that you reside in or are seeking treatment in for further information:

  • Established clinics (Melbourne CBD; Sydney CBD, Brisbane CBD, Brisbane Southside)
  • Regional/Suburban clinics (Melbourne Notting Hill, Melbourne Bundoora, Sydney Liverpool; Sydney Miranda, Queensland Gold Coast, Queensland Toowoomba)
  • New clinics (Sydney Gregory Hills, Sydney Wollongong)


  • Clinic-recruited Egg Donation

Clinic-Recruited Donation is where a person will voluntarily undergo IVF procedures out of the goodness of their heart to provide their eggs to another person. In the case of Clinic-Recruited Donation, the recipient does not know the donor, and the donor’s identity may remain unknown to the recipient. However, a donor must agree to consent to release identifying information (name, date of birth, address) to a donor-conceived child.

Please contact Rainbow Fertility for further information regarding the fees associated with a clinic-recruited egg donor cycle as the costs can alter depending on your circumstances and individualised treatment plan.



Although surrogacy arrangements have legal standing in Australia, Medicare benefits are not payable for assisted reproductive services rendered in conjunction with surrogacy arrangements.

Medicare defines surrogacy as “an arrangement whereby a woman agrees to become pregnant and to bear a child for another person or persons to whom she will transfer guardianship and custodial rights at or shortly after birth”. Medicare Benefits Schedule 2012 – Note T1.4.

Please note that the following information is a summary of the current Rainbow Fertility fees and is meant as a guide only.  All fees are subject to your treatment plan and may change accordingly

Please click on the state that you reside in or are seeking treatment in for further information:

  • Established clinics (Melbourne CBD; Sydney CBD, Brisbane CBD, Brisbane Southside)
  • Regional/Suburban clinics (Melbourne Notting Hill, Melbourne Bundoora, Sydney Liverpool; Sydney Miranda, Queensland Gold Coast, Queensland Toowoomba)
  • New clinics (Sydney Gregory Hills, Sydney Wollongong)

Please contact Rainbow Fertility for further information regarding the fees payable for a surrogacy cycle as the costs can alter depending on your circumstances and individualised treatment plan.

Storage of eggs, sperm or embryos

The payment options available for the storage of eggs, sperm, or embryos include the following:

  • Monthly Direct Debit: $37 per month
  • Annual payment: $515 per year

Please note that storage fees are charged per gamete type in storage.

We currently use Ezypay, a direct debit platform to manage all of our storage payments.  We appreciate that not all patients like to use direct debit as a payment method. We therefore offer an alternative for patients to pay upfront on a yearly basis for storage, this fee is slightly higher due to the additional management and follow up required to keep your account up to date.  

If you are an existing patient and wish to modify your payment method for storage fees, kindly reach out to our Patient Services team at your clinic. We are here to assist you with any inquiries or adjustments you may need.

Please be aware that storage payments are reviewed annually and are subject to change.

NSW Rebates

Fertility testing and IVF rebates are available for New South Wales patients.

To find out more about the rebate for fertility testing click here or to learn more about the $2000 IVF rebate click here.

We have a dedicated and experienced team to provide you with guidance and support throughout the process. Click here to contact our friendly team to discuss any questions you may have and learn more about the options available to you.




Make an Enquiry

    I have read and agree to the terms of Rainbow Fertility's Privacy Collection Statement and Privacy Policy

    Rainbow Fertility has a responsibility to provide Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) based on relevant state or federal laws and guidelines. All individuals/couples are encouraged to obtain their own legal advice regarding the relevant legislation applying to their circumstances.