Frozen Embryo Transfer (Surrogacy)
Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) involves the use of thawed embryos that were frozen in a previous IVF Cycle for Egg Donor and transfer of the embryo into the uterus of the surrogate.
A surrogate is required to undergo a Frozen Embryo Transfer cycle in order to achieve a pregnancy. Prior to this procedure, they will be asked to meet with the treating specialist to ensure they are medically suitable for the surrogacy program. The surrogate will also be asked to attend an information session with a fertility coordinator. During this session, they will be informed about the type of treatment they will undergo (e.g. medications), the risks of the procedure and the pregnancy, lifestyle recommendations and other requirements.
FET for Surrogate Illustrated Guide
Please click on the image below to view in full and download our infographic.

Understanding the Frozen Embryo Transfer Procedure
The Frozen Embryo Transfer for Surrogate treatment cycle generally follows these stages:
- Once the three-month embryo quarantine period is over and the final screening tests are cleared, the surrogate can start Frozen Embryo Transfer treatment (FET).
- Before the embryo can be transferred, it is necessary for the lining of the surrogate’s uterus (also known as the endometrium) to become thick and prepare for potential implantation of an embryo. For pregnancy to occur, the embryo must implant into the lining of the uterus. Preparation of the endometrium is achieved in a number of ways. The type of preparation for the surrogate will be discussed with the treating specialist.
- Once the endometrium is prepared, the scientists will thaw the embryo for transfer. The embryo transfer itself takes only a few minutes. The embryologist will discuss with the patient the quality of the embryo prior to the transfer.
- Surrogate’s pregnancy blood test is due approximately 14 days after the embryo transfer. They will be informed of the outcome. With the surrogate’s permission, the results can also be provided to the intended parent(s).
- As of 4th June 2020, people wishing to have assisted reproductive treatment in Victoria are no longer required to undergo a criminal records check and child protection order check. For further information please visit our page Legislative Requirements – Victoria.
- All treatment procedures are carried out at City Fertility in our RTAC (Reproductive Technology Accreditation Committee) accredited fertility clinics, where gametes (eggs/sperm) and embryos are also stored.
At Rainbow Fertility, our specialists have extensive experience in helping create LGBTQ+ families. Feel free to contact our friendly team to learn more about the fertility treatment options available to you.