Important announcement for all Victorian patients

Victorian Government removes police and child protection order checks

Rainbow Fertility is extremely excited about the recent bill passed on 4th June by the Victorian Government, to remove the requirement for couples and individuals undergoing Assisted Reproductive Treatment (ART) to carry out police and child protection order checks before accessing treatment.

Government officials have advised that the amendments to the bill will take place 28 days after the Royal Assent, which is due to take place in the coming week. Until this time, patients are still required to obtain, and complete police and child protection checks.

The removal of the checks has come as a welcome change, allowing for fairer, affordable, and easier access to ART services for all Victorians; whilst removing the unnecessary delays, costs, and distress initially associated with the checks.

The change will impact an estimated 25,000 couples and individuals who access ART in Victoria each year.

The changes respond to concerns about the requirements for the checks raised during the landmark independent review of Assisted Reproductive Treatment in Victoria by Michael Gorton AM, with many patients describing them as unfair, humiliating, and a cause of distress.

All Assisted Reproductive Treatment clinics will still need to ensure the welfare and best interests of the child to be born are paramount when deciding to treat a patient.

This new legislation decision now brings Victoria in line with the rest of the nation, which is fair and equitable, for which Rainbow Fertility amongst many others are thankful to the Victorian Government.

Rainbow Fertility will provide a final notification once the amendment is fully in place. In the meantime, our friendly staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have, please call our Fertility Advice Team Call: 1300 222 623  or Email:



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    Rainbow Fertility has a responsibility to provide Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) based on relevant state or federal laws and guidelines. All individuals/couples are encouraged to obtain their own legal advice regarding the relevant legislation applying to their circumstances.