Barriers Removed at last for ‘same-sex’ Reproductive Treatment in SA

Rainbow Fertility congratulates the South Australian Government on its approval yesterday of legislation allowing all same-sex couples access to reproductive treatment in South Australia.

Following the passing of The Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy Eligibility) Bill, South Australian same-sex couples will now be able to access assisted reproductive treatment.

The new legislation also amends the Family Relationships Act 1975 to extend access to lawful surrogacy agreements to non-heterosexual couples.

These changes are welcomed and will be beneficial to many people who have previously had to travel interstate for treatment.

“In the past, I have had to break the news to many same-sex couples that I cannot treat them due to the legislation forbidding fertility treatment in South Australia purely for reasons of ‘social’ infertility”, Dr Stankiewicz said.

“It will be wonderful at last to be able to provide treatment to all people equally,” he said.

Adelaide couple Kylie and Kathryn Harrison who have a happy two-year old son Zachary think the new changes are fantastic.

“We’re hoping this is just the first step for removing further barriers for same-sex couples,” Kylie said.

“While we had a medical reason for accessing fertility services, we know of people in same-sex relationships who had to travel interstate or even chose to go overseas for fertility assistance.”

“We already face enough barriers in our personal and professional lives, so to have some of these removed goes a long way to feeling more accepted,” Kylie said.

At Rainbow Fertility we have always believed in equal treatment for people and providing access to the same opportunities. In essence, we simply want to reflect the reality of the world we live in.

We don’t seek to define how a family should be, Rainbow Fertility is focused on helping people create one of their own, if that is what they desire.

Fertility treatment options at Rainbow Fertility include donor insemination, IVF, donor egg and sperm programs, fertility preservation (egg and sperm freezing) and surrogacy services.

Our service can provide advice on family building options for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgender and intersex people.

The Bill was passed in the Upper House of South Australian Parliament yesterday and will take effect in the coming months.


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